Monday, November 2, 2009

Blog # 14 THE TRIO

The photograph that I am going to talk about is one that I loved the first time I looked at it and love every time I see it now. It was taken Thanksgiving day 2008. My family gathered at my little sister Ko-Ko's house, where she did all the cooking for the holiday just like my nanny(grandmother) used to do when we were younger, but she not here anymore. Anyway the picture is of all my mother's children. All three of her girls looking like charlie's angel alive and healthy plus gorgeously grown. we took that picture to remind ourselves of that very fact, we were Alice's Angels. The picture we took displayed us in age-order myself first, then Ko-Ko, then Ruddy. Looking at this picture into our eyes this is the first picture we've took in a long time that I feel we wanted to take and you see that in that moment we are happy. reflecting back we also looked a little chunky. Thank God me and Ko-Ko have slimmed down since that famous Thanksgiving day.

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