Tuesday, September 29, 2009

BLOG #5 What's the point?

This week we read two essays Drummonds' ,"Alive"; and Danicats', "Westbury Court"; you ask us to define the point . In Drummond's piece I think the point was that when a person is exposed to certain situations in life be it by a job or experience like her being a police officer. She felt those experiences keep you guarded and a little paranoid even when you resign from doing that type of work. Drummond was simple explaining how she discovered that fact while doing a chore of going to the grocery store. But in the end she realized that her old job was not the reason for those feeling . She now believed that they were natural emotions everyone feels. Drummond's structure was a tad misleading because for half the story I thought she was a man, it was shocking for me to realize she was a woman.
In the case of Danicat's,"Westbury Court", that essay was based on a her reminiscing about the apartment building she lived in for a while during her childhood. She thought back to different neighbors that she & her family had. Danicat zooms in on a specific memory when one neighboring family had a fire, it was only across the hall. the tragedy in this recall was that the fire consumed the lives of two small children. That experience became a defining moment in the woman's life. The reason I say that is even as she was telling the story she related to those little boys. Even as an adult Danicat states that she asked her mother about those boys because she really couldn't remember what happened. Her structure for me was more straight forward which I could related too more.

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